Federal Government of Somalia’s Weekly Briefing


1- President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud opened the 2nd Conference of Somali Islamic Scholars in Mogadishu, noting the priority given by the government to the advice and instructions of the scholars in state-building in Somalia.

2- President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud spoke on the phone with the President of the Republic of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, as they discussed the strengthening of strategic cooperation between the two countries, especially in the fields of energy and defense.

3- Prime Minister Hamsa Abdi Barre paid a visit of encouragement and praise to the National Army and Jubbaland Darawish in the Lower Jubba region, who played an important role in the ongoing war in the region to eliminate the Kharijites Al Shabab terrorist group.

4- Prime Minister Hamsa Abdi Barre together with the President of the Jubbaland state Ahmed Mohamed Islam, visited the Armed Forces, especially the Birjeh Brigade of the Jubbaland Dervish Army, which recently defeated the Kharijites al-Shabab.

5- Prime Minister Hamsa Abdi Barre who closed the 2nd Conference of Somali Islamic Scholars, which discussed the unity of the religious leaders, urged them to strengthen unity among themselves and overcome everything that causes division.

6- Prime Minister Hamsa Abdi Barre has appointed few new members of the Cabinet including the new Minister for Family Affairs and Human Rights.

7- The Deputy Prime Minister of Somalia, Mr. Salah Ahmed Jama chaired the coordination meeting of the stabilization program which discussed the progress made in the stabilization program in the areas liberated from the Kharijites.

8- The Deputy Prime Minister of Somalia, Mr. Salah Ahmed Jama chaired a meeting to discuss the process of drafting the National Transformation Plan and its importance for the development of the nation.

9- The Federal Government of Somalia has condemned and condoled the death of the late leader of the Palestinian Movement of Hamas, Ismail Haniyah, who was killed in Tehran, Iran.

10- The Conference of Somali Islamic Scholars which concluded in Mogadishu has issued a communique containing several points including the speeding up of the establishment of the Council of Somali Islamic Scholars.

11- The Commander of the Somali National Army Major General Ibrahim Sheikh Muhuddin said that the care of the orphans left behind by the soldiers who died in the war to liberate the country from the Kharijites will continue.

12- The Minister of Interior, Federal and Reconciliation, Mr. Ali Yusuf Ali Hoosh has briefed the Upper House of the Federal Parliament of Somalia on the activities, plans and commitments of the Ministry.

13- The Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Mr. Ambassador Ahmed Maallin Fiqi Ahmed, said that the policies and work procedures of the Ministry are being reformed, in order to achieve a modernized structure that leads to effective changes.

14- The Minister of Fisheries and Blue Economy of Somalia Mr. Ahmed Hassan Adan held a meeting in Riyadh with his Saudi counterpart Mr. Abdulrahman Al-Fadley, focusing on investment in the Blue Economy of Somalia.

15- The Minister of Internal Affairs, Federalism and Reconciliation of Somalia Mr. Ali Yusuf Ali said that the Government of Somalia gives special importance to the stabilization activities carried out in the area liberated from the Kharijites Al Shabab.

16- Abbas Sheikhdoon, who served as the Head of Finance for the Kharijites Al Shabab in Mudug Region, has surrendered to the Somali Police Force operating in Hobyo District of Galmudug State.

17- The Parliament of Turkey has approved the proposal of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that the Turkish Navy should be sent to the coast of Somalia to participate in the efforts to secure the Somali waters.

18- The Federal Government of Somalia has welcomed the action of the Turkish Parliament to approve the decision of the Turkish Government to send naval forces to Somalia to operate on the coast of Somalia.

19- The Ministry of Health of Somalia held an event to commemorate World Breastfeeding Week in Mogadishu.

20- The President of HirShabelle State, Mr. Ali Abdullahi Hussein is paying visits aimed at inspecting the security and life conditions in areas under the state.

21- The Commander of the Somali Custodial Corpse Brigadier General Mahad Abdirahman Aden has issued an order to strengthen the security of the Central Prison in Mogadishu.

22- The Banadir Regional Court has sentenced Abdinur Aden Ibrahim, who was a director in the Ministry of Finance of the Southwest Administration, to prison for money laundering.


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