Federal Government of Somalia’s Weekly Briefing


1- The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, and the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, H.E. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud chaired an emergency meeting to discuss the control and management of weapons entering the country.

2- President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud presided over the meeting of the National Committee for Combating Money Laundering and Preventing the Financing of Terrorism in Mogadishu.

3- Prime Minister Hamsa Abdi Barre opened the Somali Agricultural Technology Exhibition, which presented the challenges faced by farmers in our country and the government’s efforts to increase production and agricultural crops in Somalia.

4- Prime Minister Hamsa Abdi Barre participated in an event to present the report of the country’s financial management which talks about the achievements of the country’s financial system in the last 10 years.

5- The Minister of Justice of Somalia, Mr. Hassan Maallim Mohamud, opened a workshop on the effective leadership of the stakeholders of justice and judiciary in Somalia.

6- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation held a prayer meeting for the late Mohamed Ali Hamud, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Somalia who passed away recently.

7- The Minister of Planning of Somalia, Mr. Mohamud Abdirahman Sheikh Farah, said that the government of Somalia is implementing a project to support 1 million displaced persons living in the regions of the country.

8- The Minister of Defense of Somalia, Mr. Abdulkadir Mohamed Noor has met the Deputy Envoy of the Secretary General of the United Nations in Somalia, Mr. Raisedon Zenenga, and discussed the strengthening of cooperation and future support of the Armed Forces, after the departure of the ATMIS forces.

9- The Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation in Somalia has held a conference on Somali Agricultural Technology and Development, using modern techniques that are adapted to the production of agricultural crops.

10- The President of Egypt Abdel Fattah El-Sisi has received the credentials papers from the new Ambassador of Somalia to Cairo and the Permanent Representative of the Arab League, Ambassador Ali Abdi Awaare.

11- The Somali Police Force has briefed the media about an explosion by the Kharijites militants at the Top Coffee restaurant in Mogadishu, targeting innocent youths who were watching a football match.

12- The Jubbaland Military Court have executed five men from the Kharijites terrorist group, who were found guilty of carrying our killings of innocent people in Jubbaland.

13- The Commander of the Somali National Army, Major General Ibrahim Sheikh Muhyadin, has visited the soldiers who were wounded in the war against the Kharijites.

14- The Somali National Army with the help of international friends have eliminated more than 50 members of the Kharijites militia in a military operation in Galgaduud region.

15- The local forces in Ceeldheer District of Galgaduud region have captured one of the leaders of the Kharijites Al Shabab terrorist who was hiding in the area.

16- The Somali National Army, which is conducting military operations against the Kharijites Al Shabab in the east of Galgaduud region, succeeded in thwarting land mines planted by the terrorists on the road connecting Mesagaway and Barag Sheikh Aamir areas.


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