Federal Government of Somalia’s Weekly Briefing


Mogadishu, Wednesday, 26 April, 2023.

1-    Congratulations to the Somali Armed Forces, who during the month of Ramadan insured that many cities in the country have fasted the Ramadan and celebrated the Eid peacefully. The army, with the help of the people, denied the Khawarij the opportunity to carry out terrorist attacks after many years.

2-   On the occasion of Eid al-Fitr, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has called on the Somali people to forgive each other, help each other, and fully take part in the state building process in the country, as well at the war to eliminate the Kharijites Al Shabab.

3-  The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia Dr. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has pardoned 127 prisoners on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr.

4- The Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia, Mr. Hamse Abdi Barre, congratulated the armed forces for making sure that many cities in the country including the capital, Mogadishu fasted and celebrated Eid peacefully after 15 years.

5-The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, Dr. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud spoke to units of Somali National Army based at Gordan Military Base, who are ready to go to the frontlines to join the operations to eradicate the Kharijites of Al Shabab from the country.

6-President Hassan Sheikh has appointed Ms. Maryan Yassin as the Envoy for Children and Immigrant Rights.

7-The Federal Government of Somalia is urgently starting to evacuate and rescue the Somali people who are stuck in Sudan where rival groups are fighting.

8-  Burundian Foreign Affairs Minister, Albert Shingiro, during his visit in Mogadishu, praised the convincing success of the Somali Government in the fight against the Kharijites Al Shabab, adding that Burundi stands fully with Somalia.

9-The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation has discussed with representatives of international community on the plans to rescue Somali citizens who are stranded in Sudan war.

10 The Minister of State for Internal Security, Mr. Mohamed Ali Hagaa chaired a meeting to discuss the strengthening of security and the implementation of the Arms Control Act in the capital.

11- The Somali National Army has destroyed Al Shabab Kharijites hideouts in Aw-dheegle, Danyeerrey, Gemeysi diid, Ay Butey, Buulo Nageey and Keli Caafimaad in Lowetr Shabelle Region.

12-  The Somali National Army has successfully foiled an attack by the Kharijiest Al Shabab in Masagawa District of Galmudug State.

13-   The Somali National Army has liberated Jameeco village in Hiiraan region from Al Shabab.

14-The Banadir Regional Police has carried out a security operation in Mogadishu, and arrested several gangsters and drug dealers.

15-About 30 foreigners accused of illegal fishing off the coast of Somalia have appeared before Banadir Regional Court in Mogadishu. The court is also auctioning tons of fish caught in the operation to arrest the suspects.

16- Somali National Army special unit of Danab has provided food donations to a homeless children center.

17- The Banadir Regional Administration has conducted an operation in which it has closed drug dealers business in Lido beach in Mogadishu.

18-  The Somali National Army has destroyed hideouts of Al Shabab in El-Qansah area of Galcad District in Galmudug State.

19-The Somali National Army and Jubaland Darawish destroyed Al Shabab hideouts in Bula Maadey and Alamgab in Lower Jubba- Jubaland State.

20- The Somali National Army special unit of Danab has delivered a donation to parts of Galcad District which was recently liberated from the Kharijites Al Shabab.


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