Members from Somalia’s Army and Police finish mine clearance course in Mogadishu


Somalia’s Deputy Police Commissioner, Brig Gen Osman Kanif, has today officially closed 6 weeks training on mine clearance for Integrated team from Somali National Army and Darwish Police Forces.

The training was conducted by the European Union Training Mission in Somalia.

The participants of the course learnt skills to prevent the risk of explosions and clearing mines and other explosive ordnances.

The Somali government is working hard to eliminate landmines,unexploded ordnances and IEDs in collaboration with UNMAS and other international NGOs.

According to the U.N in 2019, there were 1,140 civilian casualties due to IEDs in Somalia. In 2020, that number dropped to 454. Also, in 2019, there were 59 civilian casualties due to Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) and that number dropped to 53 in 2020.

By: M.M. Dhoore

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