President Farmajo congratulates President Uhuru Kenyatta on his re-election for a second term


H.E. President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo congratulates H.E. President Uhuru Kenyatta on his re-election as the President of the Republic of​ Kenya for a second term.

“President Kenyatta is not only a close friend and brother but also a development conscious and diligent leader.”

President Farmajo is confident that the re-election of President Kenyatta would foster further cooperation on bilateral and diplomatic relations between Somalia and Kenya.

“President Kenyatta and I share a common vision of peace, stability and economic growth for our two countries and the region as a whole”

Somalia has had strong economic and diplomatic ties with Kenya, which were further strengthened after President Farmajo made his maiden state visit to Nairobi in March this year.

Somalia remains committed to promote peace, open trade and economic cooperation with Kenya.


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