Security forces end the operation, 18 killed in the terrorist attack


Somali Security forces on Thursday morning completed the operation against Al-Shabaab militants inside Pizza house and provided details on civilians casualties, SONNA reported.

Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud ‘Arab’, Spokesman for security branches said that the operation completed successfully, but investigation still continues.

” The operation ended now, 18 people killed and 19 others injured in this terrorist attack, investigations is going on at moment”, Mr. Ahmed Arab said.

He said that Six Al-Shabaab militants took the attack against the restaurants, one of them performed the suicide car bomb attack while five others entered into Pizza house and the Security forces killed them.

The Security forces also rescued five foreigners, 2 of them Kenyans while 3 others are Ethiopians working for the bars while a Syrian man was among the dead.

SONNA reporter, Ismael Omar at the attacked restaurants saw a lot of dead bodies including three sisters while another one was injured.

Al-Shabaab militants carried out car bomb attack at Posh treats restaurant and got into Pizza house, another restaurant opposite to this where they have been fighting all night.

There are possibilities that the death toll could rise any time while new dead bodies could also be recovered from the Pizza house according to the reports.

This is the most deadliest attack since the holy month of Ramadan started.

Somali Security forces increased operations and their presence at key areas in the capital Mogadishu to ensure the security and did their best according SONNA.

By Mohamed Osman “Black Cobra”

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