Pics: Security improvement in Mogadishu now !


Security situation in the capital has improved during the holy month of Ramadan after of Somali government’s Stabilizing joint forces ensured the safety and security of people, SONNA reported.

There are heavy security presence at key areas and continues operations to disarm militias and government’s military soldiers carrying guns inside the town illegally.

” We don’t want the capital to be bloodshed zone with terror but with mercy and fearless town where people come, we want the town to be zero gun, let armed vehicles be out of the capital, we are complying with the order of the cabinet and will fulfill our duties and carry out as it is”, Head of National Intelligence and Security Agency, Abdulahi Mohamed Ali ‘San-balolshe’ said this week.

Mr. San-balolshe added that Mogadishu residents felt relief of security achievements and would be maintained.

Mogadishu residents welcomed the Somali Government’s Stabilization Plan which is aimed to ensure the security and to have a Iftar (Breakfast) in Peace.

“We had a great problem with military soldiers and vehicles earlier, they used to knock us down and destroy our taxes, but now we feel peace and free from disturbance,let this normality exist and we are happy to this change in our life”, a taxi driver(Bajajle) told SONNA Sunday.

People are also expressing their views on the support for the on-going operations through the social media, in particular, on Facebook and Twitter.

SONNA team observed the security forces checking vehicles and treating people in a very disciplined way, they(forces) ask correct documents like identity cards or check through efficiently.

I paid visits and went for walks to many districts in Benadir region and key areas including the city center and Liido beach during the holy month of Ramadan to see security improvements in the capital so far.

Everything was normal, children were only playing rubber bullets which I was not pleased to see, but people were in their routine jobs without security threats.

I was at Liido beach last night, a night that Al-Shabaab militants often say it is Beder battle (17th of the holy Month of Ramadan) and used to wage attacks in the capital earlier years, but the situation was stable.

There were young boys and girls in a group to group or two by two having conversations at the bars, restaurants and along the beach while some others were taking photos near the sea during the night time.

It is better for all Somali community to support the raising light of hope of peace here in Mogadishu and this will spread through the rest of the country. “No terrorist deadly attack happened this month, security efforts should be commended”.

I thank Allah who provided us his mercy of peace and stability during the holy month of Ramadan and wish people to worship peacefully.

By Mohamed Osman Abdi “Black Cobra”
SONNA-Chief Editor

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