Minister of Information has suspended the Director General & the Director of Finance based on corruption allegations


Mogadishu, 09 April 2017 – H.E. Abdirahman Omar Osman (Eng. Yarisow), the Minister for Information of the Federal Government of Somalia has today suspended the Director General and the Director of Finance of the Ministry of Information on grounds of misconduct and corruption allegations.
Eng. Yarisow who has officially taken the office of the Ministry of Information of the Federal Government of Somalia on the 2nd of April 2017, has started reviewing and observing the handover documents, and as well did facts finding investigation with the staff in the Ministry. The Minister has found out that there are many serious complaints and allegations, which are indicating that there is misconduct and wider corruption of which the Director General and the Director of Finance of the Ministry of Information were responsible for.
Therefore, the Minister for Information has suspended the Director General and the Director of Finance in the Ministry of Information, so that the concerned agencies can do their official investigations based on these immense charges.
The Federal Government of Somalia is giving higher priority to the fighting against corruption. “We are zero tolerance to either poor governance or corruption, this will be the first step to implement good governance with accountability and transparency, so as to serve well the Somali people” said Engineer Yarisow. This is a message to the entire employees in the Ministry, and whoever is found subject to misconduct and corruption, will be automatically submitted to the concerned agencies.
Corruption is what has kept this country backwards, and the responsibilities that we hold with our people tells us that, we should lead the people with high moral, integrity and be a role model, so as to strengthen and assure the confidence of the Somali nationals.
Therefore, it is very significant, for the Director General and the Director of Finance to have lawyers to defend them from the massive corruption allegations. During the period of the investigation both officials have the right to receive their rights.

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