Federal Government of Somalia’s Weekly Briefing


1-President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud held talks at Villa Somalia with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Republic of Tanzania, Mr. Mohamud Thabit Kombo and his delegation who is on a official trip to the country.

2-President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud launched the New Mogadishu Initiative, which includes the construction of a modern airport, an international port and the economic zone of Mogadishu.

3-President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud received in Mogadishu the Special Envoy of China in charge of the Horn of Africa Xue Bing.

4-President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud laid the foundation stone for the modern Gateway Complex project in Mogadishu, which is funded by Somali businessmen and will play a major role in the development of the economy and trade.

5-President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud chaired the meeting of the National Security Council, which discussed the country’s security situation, the war on terrorism, the Somali peacekeeping mission ATMIS and the preparations for the new AUSSOM mission.

6-President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud inaugurated the 15th Conference of the International Association of Somali Studies, which was held in Mogadishu after 35 years.

7- Prime Minister Hamsa Abdi Barre attended an event where the new Governor and Mayor of Mogadishu Mohamed Ahmed Amir took office.

8- Prime Minister Hamse Abdi Barre opened the Government, Businessmen and Society Cooperation Conference on the Plan to Prevent and Fight Terrorist Financing.

9- Prime Minister Hamsa Abdi Barre and the Speaker of the House of the People Sheikh Aden Mohgamed Nur attended the six-year anniversary of the tenure of the President of the South West Regional Government, Mr. Abdiasis Hassan Mohamed (Laftagareen) in Baidoa.

10- Prime Minister Hamsa Abdi Barre chaired a high level meeting that discussed government’s strategic communication.

11- Deputy Prime Minister Salah Ahmed Jama, has visited the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and praised Somalia’s diplomatic achievements in the international arena.

12- Deputy Prime Minister Salah Ahmed Jama, visited the Ministry of Communications and Technology, and observed the smooth running of the Ministry’s work for the community.

13- The Deputy Prime Minister of Somalia, Mr. Salah Ahmed Jama, participated in an event to present a report on poverty levels, which was organized in a collaboration between the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and the National Statistics Agency.

14- The Deputy Prime Minister of Somalia Mr. Salah Ahmed Jama participated in an event where Somalia and Tanzania signed cooperation agreements and strengthening relations between the two countries.

15- The Minister of Foreign Affairs Ahmed Moallim Fiqi hosted a colorful dinner for the large delegation led by Tanzanian Foreign Minister Mohamud Thabit Kombo.

16- The Cabnet of the Federal Republic of Somalia held a special meeting to discuss some of the provisions of the Constitution that are being reviewed.

17- The Speaker of the House of the People, Sheikh Adan Mohamed Nur Madobe, has received a comprehensive work reports from the Independent Commission for National Elections and Borders.

18- The Speaker of the Upper House Hon. Abdi Hashi Abdullahi held a meeting with the Parliamentary Constitution Review Monitoring Committee and the Chairman of the Independent Committee for Review and Implementation of the Constitution.

19- The Ministry of Interior has sent a call for peace to the fraternal communities that have been involved in the conflict in Eerigabo town in Sanaag Region.

20- The Ministry of Education has launched in Mogadishu the program to revise the Somali Education Development Plan (2022-2026).

21- The Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Isaaq Mohamud Mursal welcomed the special envoy of the Chinese government in charge of the Horn of Africa, Ambassador Xue Bing.

22- The Ambassador of Somalia to China, Dr. Hodan Osman Abdi held a meeting with Somali businessmen and the community living in Yiwu, China.

23- Today (20 December 2024) marks the deadline set by the Federal Government of Somalia for the registration of journalists affiliated with foreign international media.

24- The Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation, Mohamed Abdi Hayir Mareye, opened a workshop to confirm the needs and capacity, which was attended by the Ministries at the regional level.

25- The Minister of Planning Mohamud Sheikh Farah Beene Beene had a meeting with the new team leaders of Somalia Donor Group representing Britain, Switzerland and Sweden..

26- The Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Hassan Maallim Mohamud, who met with the Somali community in Turkey, briefed them on the progress achieved in the reform of justice, the process of completing the constitution.

27- Minister of Public Works Dr. Elmi Mohamud Noor sent off 25 civil engineers who will study the damaged roads in the regions of the country.

28- Somalia’s ambassador to Egypt and the permanent representative of the Arab League, Ambassador Ali Abdi Awaare, had a meeting with the Speaker of the Arab Parliament, Mr. Mohamed Ahmed Al-Yamahi.

29-The National Security Agency (NISA) is hunting Hassan Ali Mohamed, known as Hassan Afgooye, who is in charge of extortion in the Kharijites group Al Shabab.

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