Federal Government of Somalia’s Weekly Briefing


1. President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud attended the inauguration of Rwandan President Paul Kagame who was recently re-elected in Kigali.

2. President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud held separate meetings with Rwandan President Paul Kagame and Kenyan President William Ruto in Kigali.

3. President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has returned to the country after a two-day official visit to Cairo, Egypt.

4. President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud met with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El Sisi in Cairo, where they discussed strengthening relations and cooperation between the two countries.

5. The Federal Republic of Somalia and the Republic of Egypt signed a defense cooperation agreement in Cairo.

6. President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud had a telephone conversation with the President of the Republic of Turkey, Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

7. President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud gave a speech after Juma prayers in Mogadishu, where he spoke about the acceleration of the war against the Kharijites and ways to remove from the few remaining areas in the country, the economic growth and the implementation of the democratization process and the country’s elections.

8. Prime Minister Hamsa Abdi Barre has commended and gave rewards to three young men in Mogadishu who sacrificed their lives to save the people injured during the terrorist attack at Lido Beach.

9. Prime Minister Hamsa Abdi Barre received in his office the Charge d’Affaires of the Sudanese embassy in Somalia, Ammar Ali.

10. Prime Minister Hamsa Abdi Barre has closed the Forum of Somalia’s Perspectives by Heritage Institute, which discussed the establishment of a plan for the growth and modernization of Somalia’s economy after debt relief and joining the East African Economic Community.

11. The Deputy Prime Minister of Somalia, Mr. Salah Ahmed Jama, inaugurated the national development forum, which discussed the development of the country’s economic growth plan after the debt relief.

12. The Speaker of the People’s Assembly of the Federal Parliament of Somalia, Mr. Sheikh Adan Mohamed Noor (Madobobe) visited the National Emergency Operations Center of SODMA.

13. The talks between Somalia and Ethiopia, which were held in the city of Ankara under the auspices of the Turkish government, have been concluded and a third round has been scheduled for September.

14. The Minister of Interior of Somalia Mr. Ali Yusuf (Ali Hoosh) inspected the construction of the Ministry of Interior in Mogadishu which was recently vacated.

15. The Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism of Somalia, Mr. Daud Aweis Jama, met with the US Ambassador to Somalia, Richard H. Riley, in Mogadishu, discussing support for the development of media in Somalia.

16. The Minister of State for Defense, Omar Ali Abdi, has attended the closing ceremony at Turksom College where SNA military officials concluded a training and are preparing for specialized training to Turkey.

17. The Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation of Somalia, Mr. Mohamed Abdi Hayir, visited the Erdogan hospital (Ex Digfeer) where some of the injured people were injured in the attack of the Kharijites Al Shabab in Lido Beach.

18. The Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation of Somalia, Mohamed Abdi Hayir has handed over a donation to the National Emergency Committee for the people injured in the Lido explosion in Mogadishu.

19. The Ministry of Planning, Investment and Economic Development of Somalia has organized an important consultation meeting, which discussed the Economic Development Pillar of the National Transformation Plan.

20. 20-The Minister of Interior, Federalism and Reconciliation of Somalia, Mr. Ali Yusuf Hoosh, had a meeting with the British Ambassador to Somalia, Mr. Mike Nithavrianakis, discussing security issues and the electoral process in Somalia.

21. 21-The Governor of Banadir Region and the Mayor of Mogadishu Mr. Yusuf Hussein Jimale (Madaale) chaired the meeting of District Commissioners of Banadir Region.

22. The Ministry of Education, Heritage and Higher Education has announced the results of the competition for 3,000 new teachers who will work in the country’s schools.

23. The Egyptian government has officially reopened its embassy in Mogadishu.

24. The Danab Brigade of the National Army and Jubbaland administration’s Darwishes killed more than 30 Khawarij in operations that took place in the areas of Yadi and Halimo Addey in Badhadhe district of Lower Jubba Region.

25. The Commander of the Somali National Army Major General Ibrahim Sheikh Muhuddin inspected the new command prepared for the Land Forces that is being constructed in Hodan District.

26. The Somali National Army has killed about 10 Kharijites Al Shabab in the Galcad district of Galgaduud region, and has cleared the enemy of their weapons and vehicles.

27. A delegation led by the Commander of the Somali Police Force, General Sulub Ahmed Firin, visited the headquarters of INTERPOL in Lyon, France.

28. The National Telecommunications Agency has won three international certificates from the international organization ISO.

29. The Chairman of the Disaster Management Agency, Mr. Mohamud Maallin Abdulle, met with the head of the UNDP in Somalia, Mr. Lionel Laurens.

30. One of the team leaders in the Kharijites Al Shabab terrorist group, Aden Rabbi Abdullahi has surrendered to the Somali National Army unit in Farlibah area, which is 45 km west of Beled Weyne.

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