Federal Government of Somalia’s Weekly Briefing


1-President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud praised how the Somali National Army and Jubbaland forces defeated the Khawarij al-Shabab who attacked the villages of Bulo-Haji and Harbolle, pointing out that this victory testifies to the quality and capability of the Somali National Army and the efforts the government has put in their re-establishment.

2-President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has sent his condolences to the family, relatives, scholars and the entire Somali nation following the death of the well-known Somali Islamic scholar Sheikh Osman Sheikh Omar Sheikh Daud (Sheikh Osman Hiddig) who passed away in Mogadishu.

3-Prime Minister Hamsa Abdi Barre had a meeting with his Qatar counterpart Sheikh Mohamed Bin Abdirahman Al Thani in Doha the meeting discussed the strengthening of relations between the two countries.

4-Prime Minister Hamsa Abdi Barre officially opened the Somali Diaspora Conference which lasted for three days in the capital city of Qatar, Doha. The theme of this conference was “Directing the Power of the Somali Diaspora” to achieve a healthy and prosperous Somalia.

5-Prime Minister Hamsa Abdi Barre has sent his condolences to the family, the relatives of the great Somali Islamic scholar Sheikh Osman Sheikh Omar Sheikh Daud (Osman Hiddig) who passed away in Mogadishu.

6-The Deputy Prime Minister of Somalia, Mr. Salah Ahmed Jama, praised the selflessness of the Armed Forces in facing the terrorists who attacked the areas of Bulo-Haji and Harbolle in Jubbaland.

7-The Deputy Prime Minister of Somalia Mr. Salah Ahmed Jama chaired the Stabilization Program meeting at ministerial level.

8-The 2nd Deputy Speaker of the People’s Assembly of the Federal Parliament of Somalia, Mr. Abdullahi Omar Abshirow, welcomed the Speaker of the Parliament of the East African Community, Mr. Joseph Ntakirutimana and his delegation to Mogadishu.

9-The President of the Jubbaland State, Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Islam, paid a visit to the camp of the Birjeh Brigade of the Jubbaland Darwish Forces who recently defeated the Al Shabaab terrorists.

10-The Cabinet has approved the Bill for the Establishment of the Independent Commission for National Elections and Borders. The Assembly also approved a resolution banning the trade in weapons and military equipment.

11-The Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Somalia, Mr. Ali Mohamed Omar, attended the 6th mid-term conference to coordinate the planned activities of the various committees of the African Union and also the 45th Session of the Executive Committee of the African Union in Accra, Ghana.

12-The Minister of Labor and Social Affairs of Somalia, Mr. Mohamed Elmi Ibrahim had a meeting with the UNICEF Representative in Somalia Mrs. Wafaa Saeed. The meeting discussed the strengthening of cooperation between the ministry and UNICEF.

13-The Federal Government of Somalia and the IOM agency have welcomed in Mogadishu 7 young Somalis who were recently released from prisons in Libya.

14-The Minister of Livestock of Somalia Mr. Hassan Hussein Mohamed participated in the 27th meeting of the Forestry Commission and the World Forestry Week in Rome, Italy.

15-The Speaker the East African Community Parliament, Mr. Joseph NTAKIRUTIMANA, who is visiting Mogadishu, gave a speech at a special meeting of the People’s Assembly of the Federal Parliament of Somalia.

16-The Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs Mr. Hassan Macallin Mohamud closed the task force meeting in Mogadishu which focused the revision process of the Constitution regarding the status of the capital.

17-The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Somalia, Mr. Ahmed Maallin Fiqi, thanked the Government of Qatar for hosting the conference of Somali diaspora which was concluded in Doha.

18-Somali National Forces and Jubbaland Darawish forces have killed more than 130 militias from Kharijites Al Shabab in Bulo-Haji, Bar Sangouni and Harboole in the Lower Jubba region.

19-The Somali National Army has carried out military operations in the Ruunirgood and Mesagawa areas in the Middle Shabelle and Galgaduud regions, where the Kharijites Al Shabab have been inflicted with casualties.

20-The Somali National Amry and the Darawish forces of South West State have carried out military operations against the Kharijites in Jameecada area of the Bay region.

21-The President of the HirShabelle State, Mr. Ali Abdullahi Hussein, has unveiled some development projects implemented in Aden Yabal district in the Middle Shabelle Region.

22-The Ministry of Commerce of Somalia has opened a meeting in Kismayo to unify business licenses at the Federal and State levels.

23-The Conference on the Preparation of the National Reconciliation Plan for the next five years concluded in Nairobi.

24-A senior Kharijites Al Shabab Abdi Mohamed Araaye was a member of Khawarij Al Shabab for 14 years, has surrendered to the Somali National Army in Bula Mareer, Lower Shabelle region.

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