Federal Government of Somalia’s Weekly Briefing


1- President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud congratulated the Somali people on the commemoration of June 26, when the northern regions of the country got independence.

2- President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud congratulated the people and the Government of Djibouti on the occasion of June 27, when Djibouti gained its independence.

3- President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud met with federal level politicians who hail from the northern regions of Somalia.

4- President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has opened a meeting to discuss the strengthening of cooperation with the East African Regional Organization.

5- President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud met in Djibouti with the President of the Republic of Djibouti, His Excellency Ismail Omar Guelleh, to discuss the strengthening of cooperation between the two countries.

6- President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud received credentials from the new US Ambassador to Somalia Mr. Richard H. Riley.

7- Prime Minister Hamsa Abdi Barre laid the foundation stone for new buildings that will accommodate the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, the National Telecommunications Organization and Data Protection Centre.

8- Prime Minister Hamsa Abdi Barre has opened the 2023-2024 High School Examination for which more than 37,000 students have sat this year.

9- The Deputy Prime Minister of Somalia, Mr. Salah Ahmed Jama, met with ambassadors from the European Union, where security issues, the elimination of Kharijites, humanitarian issues, stabilization and development projects were discussed.

10- The Speaker of the People’s Assembly, Sheikh Adan Mohamed Nur Madobe, received the Sudanese Ambassador to Somalia, Ammar Ahmed Babakar Ali, and discussed strengthening the relationship between the two countries.

11- The President of the Supreme Court of Somalia, Mr. Baashe Yusuf Ahmed, attended the meeting of the Presidents of the High Courts of Africa and China, which discussed how to strengthen the cooperation, the development of the judiciary in Africa and China.

12- The Federal Government of Somalia and UN Mission of Somalia have launched talks aimed at on how to change UNSOM mission into a country team.

13- Somalia’s envoy to the United Nations, Ambassador Abukar Osman, briefed the UN on Somalia’s progress at a session held in New York.

14- The Minister of Internal Affairs of Somalia Mr. Ali Yusuf Hoosh visited the Bulo Haji area which was recently liberated from the Kharijites Shabaab.

15- Somalia’s Minister of Finance Mr. Bihi Iman Ige participated in the annual Somalia Economic Report conference organized by the World Bank.

16- The Minister of Internal Security of Somalia, Mr. Abdullahi Sheikh Ismail (Fartag), received the Ambassador of the European Union to Somalia, Mrs. Karen Johanson.

17- The Minister of Defense of Somalia Mr. Abdulqadir Mohamed Nur and the American Ambassador Richard H. Riley have held a meeting and discussed the efforts to liberate the country from the Kharijites Al Shabab.

18- The Minister of Defense of Somalia, Abdulkadir Mohamed Nur, received the Ambassador of Sweden to Somalia, Mr. Joachim Waern.

19- The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Somalia, Mr. Ambassador Ahmed Macallin Fiqi Ahmed, received the Deputy Special Envoy of the Secretary General of the United Nations for humanitarian affairs, Mr. George Conway.

20- The Ministry of Health and Community Welfare of the Federal Government of Somalia and the Qatar Red Crescent and Health have jointly launched a project on heart surgery for children.

21- The General Manager of the National Telecommunications Authority (HIQ), Mustafa Yasin Sheikh, attended the 29th Conference of the East African Telecommunications Association (EACO) in Kenya.

22- The Somali Police has arrested the suspect Mohamed Hassan Ali Dhiblawe who killed his mother and his maternal uncle.

23- The Commander of the Somali Police Force, Brigadier General Sulub Ahmed Firin, attended the 47th Anniversary of the Djibouti Police Force which took place at the Idris Farah Aabane Police Academy in Djibouti.

24- The Somali National Army and the local forces in Eldheer district of Galgaduud region have arrested a foreigner from the Kharijites who wanted to board a boat from the shores of Mareeg area.

25- Isaac Sheikh Ali Abdullahi, who belonged to the Kharijites Al Shabab, surrendered to the Command of the 60th Division of the Somali National Army in Baidoa.

26- The South West Darwish forces is conducting an operation to eradicate the Kharijites Al Shabab from the areas under Bur Hakaba District in Bay Region.


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