Federal Government of Somalia Weekly Briefing


1- The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, His Excellency Hassan

Sheikh Mohamud, will preside over the meeting of the National Discussion

Forum, which will be attended by the leaders of the Federal Member State.

This conference, which is taking place in Baidoa, will be the fifth in the past

9 months.

2- The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, His Excellency Hassan

Sheikh Mohamud, held talks in Asmara this week to strengthen relations

between the two countries with the President of Eritrea, Isaias Afwerki.

3- The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, H.E. Hassan Sheikh

Mohamud said that up to ten thousand teachers will be recruited by the

Federal Government while opening the National Conference on Education in


4- The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, H.E. Hassan Sheikh

Mohamud, received the credentials from the new Ethiopian Ambassador to

Somalia, Mukhtar Mohamed Ware.

5- The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, His Excellency Hassan

Sheikh Mohamud has signed the Financial Sanctions Act, the National

Intelligence Agency (NISA) Act and the National Electricity Act.

6- The Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia, Mr. Hamza Abdi

Barre, has called for facilitating the administration of the Somali pilgrims’

travel services this year.

7- The Deputy Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia, Mr. Salah

Ahmed Jama, has launched the Policy for the Protection of Social Welfare of the Poor Somalis, prepared by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.

8- The Upper House of the Federal Parliament of Somalia passed the Anti[1]Terrorism Law, the Immigration and Nationality Agency Law, the National Identification Law and the Members of the Independent Commission for the

Review and Implementation of the Constitution.

9- A number of Kharijites Al Shabab terrorists have been killed in an operation

carried out by the Danab Brigade of the Somali National Army and the Jubbaland State Army in Mido area near Afmadow District in Lower Jubba Region.

10- The Minister of Commerce and Industries of the Federal Government of

Somalia Mr. Jibril Abdirashid Haji has closed a meeting in Mogadishu to

discuss the implementation of the modern business registration process.

11- The Minister of Health of the Federal Government of Somalia, Mr. Ali Haji

Adan, has opened the quarterly meeting of coordination of health activities in


12- Fyl Dubai Airlines in the United Arab Emirates has officially launched daily

direct flights between Mogadishu and Dubai.

13- The Ministry of Labor of the Federal Government of Somalia has

completed the census process of civil servants of the government.

14- The National Telecommunications Authority has instructed the country’s

telecommunications companies to immediately implement the decisions of

the National Anti-Money Laundering & Combating Terrorist Financing

Committee (NAMLC) issued on February 14, 2023.

15-The Commander of the Somali Police Force, Brigadier General Sulub Ahmed

Firin, has closed the meeting of the Police Commanders of the Regional and

Central Governments in the port city of Kismayo.


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