
Somali National Army (SNA) Repel Al Shabaab Attack On Military Base In Afgoye, Lower Shabelle

Somali National troops have averted an attack on their base in Afgoye town in lower Shabelle. The attack in Afgoye town in Lower Shabelle...

Ministry of Ports and Marine Transport declares Berbera deal as non-existent

It has come to the Ministry of Ports and Marine Transport’s attention an alleged investment agreement between DP World, the state of Somaliland and...

Troop Contributing Countries (TCCs) Summit To Be Convened in Uganda

According to a Uganda government statement released this morning the Summit is being convened within the framework of conclusions of the September 2017 meeting...

US Sanctions Mahad Moalim, ISIS Number Two In Command In Somalia’s Puntland

The United States has sanctioned ISIS number two in command in Somalia’s Puntland, the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) said in a statement on...

AMISOM and the Somali government reiterate their commitment to eliminate Al-Shabaab

The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and the Somali government have pledged to complement each other in the fight against the terrorist group...

Ugu Akhris Badan