Federal Government of Somalia’s Weekly Briefing


1- President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud held a meeting with soldiers from Danab special unit of the Somali National Army who participated in a military exercise in Kenya in which 23 countries participated.

2- President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud participated in the graduation ceremony of the 22nd batch of students of the Somali Nation University.

3- The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, His Excellency Dr. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, has sent a congratulatory message to the Somali women on the commemoration of the World’s Women Day of 8th March.

4- President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud congratulated the Somali people on the start of the month of Ramadan.

5- The Parliament of the Federal Republic of Somalia has begun debating Chapter 4 of the Transitional Federal Constitution, which deals with the representation of the people and elections.

6- Prime Minister Hamsa Abdi Barre held a meeting with the Director General of the Green Climate Fund (GCF), Mafalda Duarte and discussed the problems caused by climate change in Somalia and how to tackle them.

7- Prime Minister Hamsa Abdi Barre has inaugurated the new building of the Police Criminal Investigation Department which has been added with modern equipment.

8- Prime Minister Hamsa Abdi Barre has inaugurated the construction of a new road that connects Hoosh Road to Ex Kontorool Afgooye, that passes through three districts of Banadir region.

9- Prime Minister Hamsa Abdi Barre, has attended the closing ceremony of a three-week diplomatic training session for ten ambassadors recently approved by the Cabinet.

10- Prime Minister Hamsa Abdi Barre has cut the ribbon of some parts of the Ministry of Planning and Investment Promotion which have been reconstructed.

11- The Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs of Somalia, Mr. Hassan Macallin Mohamud, has launched the public discussions of the country’s draft constitution. In Hodan District.

12- The Minister of Finance Mr. Bihi Iman Ige said that Somalia has shown a strong change in the reform of the economy and financial institutions after a meeting in Nairobi with the world financial institutions.

13- The Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources of Somalia Mr. Abdirizaq Omar Mohamed and his Turkish counterpart have signed an agreement on oil and gas cooperation.

14- Somalia’s Minister of Health, Dr Ali Haji, has inaugurated the forum for cooperation between the private and public health services.

15- The Minister of Interior, Federal and Reconciliation of Somalia, Mr. Ahmed Moallim Fiqi chaired a ministerial meeting attended by the heads of OCHA and FAO organizations, which discussed the management of climate change and humanitarian conditions in Somalia.

16- The Minister of State for National Security, Mr. Mohamed Ali Hagaa and the Commander of the Somali Police Force, Brigadier General Sulub Ahmed Firin, have attended the closing ceremony of a training session for new soldiers trained at the Somali Police Force training school in General Kahiye.

17- The Minister of Defense of Somalia, Mr. Abdulkadir Mohamed Nur, met with the US acting Ambassador to Somalia to discuss the war against the Kharijites Al Shabab.

18- Somalia’s Minister of State for Finance Madam Raha Mohamud Janaqow participated an international gathering of business cooperation between public and private institutions in Istanbul, Turkey.

19- The new Permanent Secretary of the Prime Minister’s Office Mr. Kamal Dahir Gutale has officially assumed his post.

20- The National Intelligence and Security Agency has arrested the former District Commissioner of Dharkenlay, Abukar Ahmed Addow Tifoow, who was a member of the Kharijites Al Shabab hiding in government agencies for some years.

21- Police forces in Mogadishu have captured 140 mortars from the Kharijites Al Shabab, which the terrorists wanted to use against the Somali people in the capital and the surrounding areas.

22- The Director General of the Somali Immigration and Citizenship, Mr. Ahmed Said Mohamed, has launched a modern process for issuing passports.

23- The police forces in Dhobley District of Lower Jubba Region have arrested Hassan Ibrahim who was involved in stealing a government owned vehicle and handed it over to the Kharijites Al Shabab last year.

24- The Somali National Army, with the help of the American troops have killed three members of the Kharijites Al-Shabab after a military operation in Lower Shabelle region.

25- A fire broke out in a part of Bakara Market in Mogadishu, causing damage.

26- Officers from the Somali National Forces have completed in Baydhabo a training on the management of challenges arising from the areas liberated from the Kharijites Al Shabab.

27- Danab Special forces of the Somali National Army have participated in a military exercise in Kenya, where they performed well.



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