Facebook recognized SNTV facebook account and will include in the presentation at Facebook annual conference.


Mogadishu, 17 April 2017 – Somali National TV (SNTV) has received a formal request from Facebook to use one of SNTV social media videos in a presentation at Facebook annual conference.

HE Abdirahman Omar Osman (Eng. Yarisow), Minister of Information of the Federal Republic of Somalia said “The Federal Government of Somalia appreciates the key role that our Somali National TV (SNTV) and its social media accounts play to our citizens and indeed to our world citizens. SNTV is very grateful and honored to have received this formal request from Facebook. This shows the importance of social media in Somali contexts and beyond. Somalis are an oral society, therefore, media plays a pivotal role to the development of the society.”

Facebook is having their F8 developer conference on April 18th and 19th, where they’ll be announcing new products and educating developers and publishers on how to best use Facebook’s tools. Facebook said “We would love to potentially show assets that include your [SNTV] brand during our conference.”

Facebook further requested from SNTV to agree and have all rights required to allow FB to use the

Asset: Presidential Inauguration Video, https://www.facebook.com/sntvnews/videos/1352957151431740/

Facebook may show SNTV asset in the content and experience of F8 in the following ways:
• Shown during a relevant conference session or keynote (the session may also be live streamed, and will be recorded and made available externally)
• As part of a demo station for products at the conference
• Featured in F8-related marketing and promotional content

Conference Dates: April 18th & 19th
Audience: developers, publishers, and tech press attending or live-streaming Facebook’s F8 conference

Please tune in to follow the event via social media accounts.


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